Exploring Jobs and Careers

Component: Getting & Earning Money | Grade Level: Grade 7-8

Learning Targets:

Targets for knowledge, skills, and behaviours below are possible targets. It is not expected that all will be covered by a single Teaching Unit. Teachers can select their learning targets using the Teaching Units provided (to the right), adaptations of these Teaching Units, or Units/Lesson Plans they develop on their own.


  • How people get paid for work – e.g. wages, salaries, contracts, gross vs. net pay, types of deductions, etc.
  • Benefits that may be possible to earn from work
  • Factors affecting how much money they can get from employment – including “deductions”
  • Ways they can increase their ability to earn money
  • The difference between employment income and earning money as an entrepreneur (profit)
  • How it is possible to get money from investing – in themselves and other investments
  • Governments have programs to help people improve their ability to earn money
  • Governments have programs to help those with low or no incomes
  • How jobs change, and are changing, over time
  • Role of unions in influencing income and benefits


  • Identify sources of information regarding possible careers
  • How to explore interest in different career options
  • How to look for a job
  • How to prepare a resume
  • How to handle a job interview
  • Estimate potential future income and possible income needs
  • The risks in “gambling” to try and get more money


  • Explore areas of personal interest or passion that may affect their future career choice
  • Begin to plan for investments in skills and abilities to prepare for the future
  • Effectively look for a job if they wish to do so
  • Monitor payment for work done to ensure accuracy
  • Avoid gambling problems and addiction

Teaching Unit:

Exploring Jobs and Careers

Students need to be aware of the different kinds of jobs and careers that exist, think about what career path they might follow, and the kinds of things that they may like to have in the future, and would be important in their lives.

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